29 weeks!

Due date: February 26, 2012 - 78 days to go!

Weight gain: All together: approximately 23 lbs.

Baby developments: Mason is about 2.5 pounds and is the size of a butternut squash. He’s a tad over 15 inches long from head to heal. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.

Cravings: Chocolate and ice cream!

Aversions: none to note

Symptoms: Tired and my back/tailbone hurts, oh and I have to pee, A LOT!

Sleep: even though I'm more uncomfortable when I sleep, I still have been getting good sleep. I am up earlier than normal, but that is also because I've been going to bed earlier than normal.

I am loving: that the nursery is coming along. Soon we should have our crib which will make it really look & feel like a nursery. We have our dresser changing table, just need to paint it white. I will be doing some projects today like putting up molding around the stripes on the wall and hanging the curtains I got the other day at Target. Step by step, day by day.

I am looking forward to: Meeting Mason! I keep thinking I wish he was here already and I didn’t have to wait 70+ days! But I’m enjoying the last of the peace and quiet and going out whenever I want without a baby in tow. I know it’s going to change a lot, so I’m soaking up all I can before he’s here.

I'm spazzing about: the nursery. I LOVE the process of designing my house, but it also kind of makes me go crazy because I can never figure out what I want until after I’ve changed my mind 20 times. I’ll be much happier when it’s all done and I can walk in there and sit in the glider and just gaze at the wonderment and picture all the fun times we will have in there. Right now it’s pretty empty, so “wonderment” is far from my thoughts when I walk in there.

Best moment this week: Putting up our Christmas tree. I bet next year it’s going to be more fun! ;)

Movement: Mason moves like crazy for a couple minutes, then he stops for hours, then he’s back. I can see my belly moving when he kicks. He kicks pretty hard! Well, I don’t have anything to compare it to, but if I have something resting on my belly, like my laptop, it moves up and down when he’s kicking! It’s funny. Also, I’m always trying to figure out what he’s doing. It feels like he’s hiccupping sometimes and other times it feels like he’s completely turning around.

Milestones: Just started the 3
rd trimester. In the home stretch!

It's a...: boy!

Exercise: This is a sore subject for me. I was running 2+ miles in the 1st trimester 3 times a week, then had to lower it to 1 mile because of my weight gain, my legs felt like Jell-O and it was hard for me to pick my legs up all the way, so I was like shuffling and also Mason pushing down on my bladder was not so fun either. Then maybe half way through the 2nd trimester I had to STOP jogging all together which was a sad day for me, I even cried a little. I had to stop because I got a sharp pain in my belly (where Mason is) and had to stop and walk it off (this happened twice), so since then I will not even attempt to jog because I don’t want anything to happen to Mason. After he’s here, I will start back up as soon as the doctor tells me I can. As for other exercise, I did Pilates a couple times, but the nursery kind of took over my Pilates area, so I’ve stopped doing it for now. Last time I did Pilates was 2 weeks ago and my legs were on fire the whole time! It felt weird with the baby in my belly too. I think I will stick to walking.

Diet: I think my diet is normal: breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.

Goals for the upcoming week: Get as much done as I can for the nursery!

Belly shot:


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