We went to Florida recently to visit The Kopp Fam! We had a blast and here are some pix of our trip... At the airport. We found a quiet corner where Mason could crawl around and get nice and tired for the plane ride! He loved it, he crawled all over the place. Mason's favorite thing to do on the plane was to open and close the window shade. Time for take off! We put Mason in his Boppy with his bottle and blanket and he was just fine for take off. He was so comfortable on the plane, he slept a lot. Oh my! What a lovely home you have! :) Three cousins and an uncle Mason and Uncle Chris! At Downtown Disney At Clearwater Marine Aquarium to see Winter the dolphin :) Mason touching a digital video of Winter. Me and my hubby! <3 Debbie, Chris, Josh and Alex! Miss them! Here we are on a small island during our marine se...