The Buckley's Annual Apple Picking Adventures

Hello blog! It's feels like it's been FOR. E. VERRRR since I've posted anything on the blog. This is because our laptop is on it's last leg, it's incredibly slowwww and I don't have the patience for it most days. But today I gathered some extra patience to share our apple picking photos from this past weekend. Enjoy!

It started off a little rocky with Mason getting a timeout for standing in his carseat while we were still moving, yeah.

Awww so cute holding hands....

"Look Lily, bees!"

"AHHHHH!!!!" Priceless! Glad I got this pic on camera! lol

This apple got away from her

She found it!

Little Lady is such a big girl these days! She's 21 months now!

My apple picking duo

Apple picking done, time to play!

This is a big jumping balloon thing. It's really cool!

That's it! Until next time! I need to clean up my computer, so maybe I'll post the other photos on here too! I have some great ones from July of the Joanides-Buckley visits!


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