
Mason's first Halloween is one to remember! We were homeless and staying at Barbara's house because Hurrican Sandy knocked out our power, but we didn't let that ruin Halloween. We dressed up in our costumes and face paint at Grandma's house, then we drove over to Yia Yia and Papou's house! It was a fun day. Next year we will be able to go Trick or Treating. Yay!

I am a cat and Mason is Superman!

Mason's favorite thing to do is pull my hair. Caught him in the act! Look at his eyes, they are saying "he he he"

I painted Michael's face like the Joker. Doesn't he look scary?

Mason wanted to get down and play. He was done taking pictures lol

Superbaby and his Granny!

Eating din din at Yia Yia and Papou's

Mason LOVES standing on their foot rest. He's pulling himself up and standing every where now!

This was Abby's fire truck a few years back and now Mason is playing with it. He seemed to love it

The end! This Halloween was really fun, can't wait for next Halloween!


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